In a language that can be understood by people like me ,

Medicine has no clue about the linkage of Cholesterol and Heart attack.

Please follow the Link.

Gingely oil has been used by people of India for ages.

To the best of my knowledge they did not get heart attacks.

It is said that Gingely oil is good for over all Health including Heart.

Best is to follow time tested Food Habits that have been arrived at by the society over hundreds of years by the process of elimination, taking into account the climate as well.These will vary from Region to Region.

Let us follow them.

A recent large government study found that raising levels of HDL “good” cholesterol using a drug did not reduce the risk of heart disease. ..

As The New York Times reported:

Patients taking the medicine along with Zocor had higher levels of H.D.L. and lower levels of triglycerides, a fat in the blood. Despite these seeming improvements, the patients fared no better and may have done slightly worse than those taking Zocor alone. That is why the entire theory behind trying to increase H.D.L. levels in patients with heart disease may need rethinking…

Many people, including most physicians, believe that HDL is “good cholesterol” and LDL is “bad cholesterol.” Therefore, anything that raises HDL cholesterol is good….
Not everything that raises HDL is good for you. For example, if you increase the amount ofsaturated fat and cholesterol in your diet, you may increase your HDL because your body is trying to get rid of the extra “garbage” (fat and cholesterol) by increasing the number of available garbage trucks (HDL) if you are genetically able to do so. Eating a stick of butter or having a cheeseburger will raise HDL in those who are able to do so, but that does not mean that butter and burgers are good for your heart. They aren’t…

So, rather than being concerned about how to raise your HDL, eat a whole foods, plant-based diet–and spend a few minutes a day exercising, meditating, and loving more. Heart disease is completely preventable–today–in at least 95 percent of people simply by changing our diet and lifestyle. We don’t need a new drug or breakthrough technology; we simply need to put into practice what we already know.

One response to “CHOLESTEROL And Heart Attack Not Linked.”

  1. Resourceful article. Thanks


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